The All Workflows View lays out a top-to-bottom flow of steps that a Pub will move through in a Community from submission to publication. Workflows are made up of Stages, a step in a Community's publishing process, where Pubs can be acted upon.

Similar to the All Pubs View, the Workflows View displays a list of Pub Cards, organized by Stage.
Each Stage is listed by Name, along with the number of Pubs currently in the stage. Below, up to three Pubs appears on a Pub Card in the list, which includes:
- the Pub Type
- the Pub Title
- Contents. If selected, Contents will expose a list of related Pubs by title. If a Title is selected, the user will be redirected to the corresponding Pub Details page.
- A Move Action, allowing a user to move the selected Pub to a different Stage
- Any Actions that can be taken on the Pub

Selecting the title of a Pub on a Pub Card will take users to the Pub Details page. To make changes to a Pub, select the vertical three-dot menu to the far right of the Pub Card.
If four or more Pubs are in a Stage, a link to the Stage Details Page appears below the final Pub Card. Select See all pubs in stage to visit the Stage Details Page. There, users can view all Pubs in a given Stage.
Stage Details
A Stage Details page provides an overview of a Stage, Pubs in that Stage, and information for managing the Stage.
To edit Stage Settings, select the Edit Stage Settings button in the upper-right corner. This button brings a user to the Stage Settings in the Stage Editor.