Pub Details

Pub Details

A Pub Details page provides an overview of a Pub, associated Fields and Field Values, and information for managing the Pub.

A sample Pub Details page

On the left side of the page, Fields associated with that pub will display with Field Values. Any attached files to the Pub may be downloaded on this page.

On the right side of the page, the following headings may appear: 

  • Current Stage: the Stage where the Pub is currently located
  • Actions: a “Run action” button. If selected, a dropdown menu will list available actions that can be run on this Pub
  • Members: a list of Members that have access to the Pub & their level of access. New members can be added by selecting Add Member

Pub Contents

The Pub Contents table includes all child pubs, filtered by Pub Type. This table displays: 

  • Title: the Title of the related Pub
  • Stage: the Stage in which the related Pub is currently located
  • Created: the date the related Pub was created (displayed as MM/DD/YYYY)
  • Actions: a “Run action” button. If selected, a dropdown menu will list available that can be run on this Pub.

This table will also display any columns with the MemberId schema. 

Related Pubs

The Related Pubs table includes all related Pubs based on specific reference Fields, filtered by Pub Type. 

This table displays: 

  • Title: the Title of the related Pub
  • Stage: the Stage in which the related Pub is currently located
  • Created: the date the related Pub was created (displayed as MM/DD/YYYY)
  • Actions: a “Run action” button. If selected, a dropdown menu will list available that can be run on this Pub.

This table will also display any columns with the MemberId schema.