
Use Forms to create, edit, and update Pubs with content from other users.

A blank Forms Dashboard

A Form is a way to collect information to create, edit, and update Pubs. Forms are associated with Pub Types, and are made up of Elements like Fields and Structures. The Forms Dashboard displays a table of all Forms created in a Community. The table includes:

  • Name: the Name of the Form. Upon creation, default Forms are named with the Pub Type and “Editor (Default)”.  
  • Default: whether this Form is the default internal editor for all Pubs of this Pub Type. Default Forms appear anywhere a Pub is created or updated.
  • Type: the Pub Type associated with the Form
  • Updated: the date on which the Form was last updated (displayed as MM/DD/YYYY)


A populated Forms Dashboard

Default Forms

The Default column on the Forms Dashboard indicates whether or not a form is the default for a specific Pub Type. When users add, create or update Pubs, they are redirected to the Default Form for a selected Pub Type. Default Forms are created when a new Pub Type is created. 

Default Forms can be customized to mark fields as optional or required, include explanatory text, or rename fields. Read more in the Form Builder section for how to modify a Default Form.

Upon creation, a Default Form includes only the Fields of that Pub Type. Note that if any changes are made to a Default Form, the Pub Type and Default Form are no longer in sync. Fields added to a Pub Type will not be added to a Default Form, and vice versa. Users are reminded to update a Default Form upon updating a Pub Type. 

Create Form

Before you Create a Form…

In order to create Forms, a Community must already have Fields and Types. Please visit the documentation for Fields or Types before continuing through these steps.



Form Creation

Select Create Form from the upper right corner of the screen. 

Select a Pub Type to associate with this Form. The Form will initially be populated with all Fields from this Pub Type, and submitted responses to this Form will update Pubs using this Pub Type. 

Enter a Form Name. The name must be unique within the Community.

Enter a Slug Name. This slug will appear at the end of its URL and be used to reference the Form elsewhere in the Community. The slug must be unique within a Community. 

Select Create to create a form. 



Form Builder

The Builder and Preview tabs in the upper left area of the Form Builder allow users to toggle between building the Form and previewing what it will look like to users. The default view is Builder. Users can also use the Copy link to live form button in the upper right corner to preview the form.


Preview Tab on Form Builder

Note: Preview tab is not currently functioning.


Based on the Pub Type chose in Form Creation, Form Builder will be populated with various Field Cards of the Pub Type, in the order they are listed in the Pub Type. Forms are initially created with all Fields visible. Each Field Card will show the Field Name and its slug. Only the Field Name will be visible to Form Viewers. 

When hovering over a Field Card, icons appear at the far right to hide, edit, and change the order of a Field within the Form. 

  • Use the trash icon to hide a Field from the Form. (If selected, “Deleted on Save” will appear on the Field card until the Form is saved and the Field is deleted.
  • Use the pencil icon to edit the Field. 
  • Select the six dots icon to drag and drop the Field to a new location within the Form. 

On the right sidebar, users can add additional Elements to the Form, including Fields and Structures, and change the Form Access for the Form.









Add a New Element

To add a new Element to a form, select Add New


There are two different types of Elements that can be added to the Form: Fields (metadata to be collected for a Pub) and Structures (text boxes or other non-editable aspects of the Form.)

Select either the Field or Structure tab. (The default selection is Field.)

To add a Field, select the Field tab. Select a Field Card from the list or type the Field slug in the search bar. The Field must already exist in the Community to be used in a Form. (If users need to create a new Field, do so via the Fields dashboard.) Note that the search bar will display all Fields across all Communities, but prioritize those in the specific community. 











Once selected, users have the opportunity to configure the Field:

  • Appearance: The appearance of the Field on the Form. Each Field has unique configurations for appearance.
  • Label: The label for the field on the Form. If given, this label will appear for users instead of the Field Name.
  • Placeholder: Temporary text hinting at expected input
  • Help Text: Optional additional guidance for users filling out the Form.
  • Mark as required: if selected, a response to the field is required in order to submit the Form. 















To select a Structure, select the Structure tab. Available options will appear in a list. Note that the only current available Structure is Paragraph. Once selected, users have the opportunity to configure the Paragraph. Users should whatever text should appear on the form. Text can be written in plain text or Markdown for styling. When finished, select Save.


Once successfully added, the Field Card or Structure Card appears at the bottom of the list. Drag and drop the Field Card anywhere in the list by selecting the double three-dot menu on the pub. 






Submission Settings

Users can set up submission and post-submission activity for Pubs created and updated by this Form using the Submission Settings on the Form Builder right sidebar. Select Add Button from the sidebar to add a new submission button. 



Once selected, users have the opportunity to configure the Submission Button:

  • Button label: The label for the button on the form. This label will appear for users on the Form.
  • Post-submission message: The message displayed after submission. Markdown is supported. 
  • Post-submission stage: The stage the pub should be in after submission

When finished, select Save. Multiple buttons for different post-submission activity can appear on a Form.