Visible to Admins, the Fields Dashboard includes a table of all the Fields at use in a given Community. Fields are the bottom-level unit of PubPub Platform. Communities use Fields to define community-specific metadata. Fields can be collected and arranged to create Types, Forms, and Pubs.
The table includes the following headers:
- Name: the Field Name
- Schema: the format of the Field. Schema options include String, Boolean, Vector3, DateTime, Email, URL, MemberId, and FileUpload.
- Slug: the handle used to refer to the Field. The slug is written as community:slug, with the prefix noting in which community the Field originates. The slug may be used as a token for Actions.
- Updated: the date/time the Field was last updated (displayed as MM/DD/YYYY)
The table can be sorted by any column ascending and descending.

Create New Field
To create a new Field, select New Field from the upper right corner. A pop-up will appear to Create New Field.

Select a format from the dropdown menu. This defines the foundational structure of the field's data. Format options include:
- String: text of any length
- Boolean: a true or false value
- Vector3: a set of three numbers
- DateTime: a moment in time
- Email: an email address
- URL: a link to a website
- MemberId: a Member of your community
- FileUpload: a file uploader
Enter a Field Name, a readable name for the Field throughout a Community.
Enter a Slug, or the handle used to refer to the Field throughout a Community. The slug is prefixed by the Community in which it is created (ex: pubpub:title
is a Title field that originates in the PubPub community.) This slug must be unique within a Community.
If this Field represents a reference to another Pub, select the checkbox next to This field represents a reference to another pub. Selecting this option will allow a user to add a list of related Pubs to any Pubs with this Field.
Select Create to create the Field. Once created, the Field will appear at the bottom of the table on the Fields Dashboard.
Archive a Field
If a Field is no longer required in a Community, the Field can be archived. Any Types, Forms, or Pubs that contain this Field will not be affected. However, new Types, Forms, or Pubs cannot and will not use this Field.
Select the horizontal three dots at the far right of the table for a given Field.
Select Archive Field.

An alert will appear in the lower right corner noting the Field has been archived successfully.